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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Today, I received a wonderful little post in my inbox.  RSS readers are beautiful things.  I love when my Heavenly Father uses my crazy little technologies to reach me, on a busy day...even at work.

You should take a few minutes to read it as well.  It will do you good.  It's over at Heart to Heart with Holley - click here to read the post.

Part of her post has stuck with me throughout the day...mainly two specific words.
Two words that I need to tattoo on my heart.  (no worries mom - I mean figuratively, not literally)

"Even so.
Those two little words don't deny the difficulties or paste on a smile that says, "Everything is fine." They acknowledge life is hard. They recognize the obstacles.
But in the end, they shift our gaze from what we see to Who we know.
And that changes everything...
especially us."

Life is hard.
Anyone that tells you differently is either lying to you or insane.
I'm serious.

I'm so thankful that I know someone who can handle it, because I definitely can not.
He can handle all those things that just don't make any sense to us.  He can get us through even when we think we can't go any further.  So, as I've said before many times...I will learn to see through the circumstances.  I will find His gift in the craziness.

No matter what, even so, I will fight feeling with feeling and shift my gaze to Him.

Thankful for:
a chubby, little, gibberish-speaking munchkin
bath time
a few days with my Jubilee
blogs that help get me back on track...on a daily basis.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the note to see Holly's blog! I see she also is hopeful. Maybe wait is the word I am hearing and hope following it? We seem to be in a holding pattern...
