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Saturday, July 30, 2011 pictures...via Pikaw...

July disappeared.
It started with a nice week in H-town with the hubs and my little one. We had fun spending time with family and some out of town friends.  It's hard when friends live states away, but always nice when things immediately fall into place when you see them again.
Then, the hubs are I were off to Barbados.  I was going for work, the hubs went for vacay.  We had a great time.  We swam with turtles, drove around and got seriously lost, visited a cave on the edge of the ocean and took some serious pictures at the wildlife sanctuary.  We planned to make an animal photo book for the little one. We looked at the pictures that night and loved them.  Then, the EVIL digital camera fairy came and stole all of our pictures. The hubs took the card to a camera store in hopes that he could find them.  It didn't work. So, no pictures from Barbados.
evil, evil camera fairy 
But, I'm very thankful for great memories.
I flew home, met my sister and little one at DFW, changed planes and headed to Cali.
I went to Cali for work, the sister and little one went for vacay.   
Are you seeing a trend yet?
I was working at a new account and it was a stressful week to say the least.
But, one of my dear friends lives in Cali and my sister and little one were with me, so it really was an amazingly great 10 days! We were able to spend time with our wonderful friend and the little one fell in love with his Aunt Kiki!  Not that she needed help, but the toys from Toygaroo definitely sealed the deal! We roamed around Santa Monica, Venice, the mall and Jubie's favorite - Knott's Berry Farms. It was her favorite part of the trip.  She's quite the thrill seeker.
My sister Jubie is unbelievably talented.  She is the most wonderful watcher of all things little one and the most talented photographer I know.  We have lots of pictures, but here are some of my favorites.

Not so secret anymore, now is it?

Best $10 spent in California

He needed the iPad to rest his iPhone these days.

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