What seems like decades later, the girl who wrote this post was able to get back on the computer to post who random.com chose to win Beautiful Outlaw.
"All my Monkeys" - it's you! Please send me your mailing address so that I can get your book in the mail to you!
To all those out there who are wondering - hand surgery is not as easy as one might expect it to be. Turns out you use your hands a LOT more that you realize and having one sliced open really makes writing, typing, dressing, eating and life in general...a little harder.
But, the hand is healing and the other one is prepping to be sliced in a few weeks.
Original Post:
I've been in Anguilla for about a week.
I am staying at the Viceroy and it is fantastic.
All of the employees are beyond friendly and the property is ridiculously a-maz-ing.
Beautiful pools, yummy restaurants, a cool rock wall and couches in the tennis courts.
Yep, it's pretty awesome!
If you are ever thinking about visiting an island - you should stop thinking, buy a ticket to Anguilla and stay at the Viceroy. They even have an awesome area for kids!
(They are currently adding a water fountain play area and a tunnel for kids to crawl through. Yes, I said tunnel. Fantastic idea, right? I would have been all over that when I was little! Who am I kidding? If my little one was here, we would both be crawling through that tunnel!)
My training is going well and I've been able to get most of my schoolwork completed!
Yea for wifi that works!
The water here is ridiculously blue and the waves are amazing.
Actually, amazing doesn't even begin to cover it.
They aren't as big as waves that you see in surfing magazines, but they are big to me!
But, it isn't the size of the waves that keeps me mezmerized.
What amazes me is how they don't stop. Ever.
Last month, I was blessed to be able to attend the Ransomed Heart Captivating Advanced retreat with some friends. While at the retreat, we were able to hear John speak about his new book, Beautiful Outlaw
I bought a copy while I was at the retreat, intending to read it when I got a chance. I started reading it on the plane...and actually stayed up that night to finish. I loved it!
One of my favorite chapters in the book is about God's love. To make a point, John compares God's love to the ocean waves. When I first read it, I loved the visual picture. Then, when I was on the cruise and saw the waves,
I remembered that illustration and it made me smile.
But, the waves here - In Anguilla?
These waves make my heart smile.
As you will see, in Anguilla, around this time of the year, the tide rises.
They call it "ground sea" because the sea tears up the ground underneath.
The waves are more intense, more heavy,
continually dumping enormous amounts of water on the beach.
continually dumping enormous amounts of water on the beach.
What amazes me is how the waves don't ever stop.
(I'm sure someone can give me some great scientific reason for the continual wave motion, but I'm just fine being amazed...and knowing that it happens because God created it that way!)
Waves in Anguilla from daysofgratitude on Vimeo.
A huge wall of water crashes onto the rocks and the beach and then the water slips back for a moment. The area seems full of water.
But, more water just keeps coming.
With each wave, I am moved with how it continues to dump
more water, again and again.
These waves are heavy and full and they just don't stop.
Even when there seems to be enough - more pours in.
Even when there seems to be enough - more pours in.
Just like His love for me.
Would you like to have your own copy of Beautiful Outlaw to read? Just leave a comment and I'll randomly choose a winner on November 11.
(Unless I can't access the internet next week- in which case the winner will be chosen on November 16)
(Unless I can't access the internet next week- in which case the winner will be chosen on November 16)