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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Getting back on track

I've totally fallen off the blog wagon.  I've been traveling across the country, back and forth between time zones, forgetting to pause and write a post.
My bad.
I'm going to be better.  As I've said before, I love that I serve an unfailingly loving God.  Who allows me to stumble and is right there to pick me up again.  Something about this blog reminds me of Him.  (Probably the fact that the entire reason I started it in the first place was to chronicle the blessings that He gives me on a daily basis.)  I wanted to learn to find the gift even in bad days.  To see His love and blessings on days when I would normally only see clouds.
Such great ambitions.  And then, I fail.  I get busy.  I get sidetracked.  I write blessings but am too busy to figure out what number they are... I don't remember to see His good in my everyday.  Yet, He is right there, not waiting to punish me for overlooking Him, but waiting to welcome me back with open arms.  It just doesn't get any cooler than that...
Oh, how I want to be that parent to my little one.  I want him to feel that he is loved unconditionally.  I want him to know that his family will always be there for him.  That even on bad days, when things go terribly wrong, we are there for him.  Not to point blame or question if he actually tried his best, but to be there with open arms.  To love on him.  Just like his Heavenly Father.
And so, I will get back up and start again.  I will continue my list of my 1000 gifts.  I will go back and number the gifts that I listed without numbers.  And, I will move on and get back on track.

His gifts to me today:
  • Fresh vegetables grilled to perfection (394)
  • A day without Coca-cola (395)
  • A gentle breeze during my entire walk to work (396)
  • Life sans mosquitos, if only for a few days (397)
  • Blog posts that help keep me in the "mummy" loop, even when I'm currently working away from home and unable to make Mummy and kid play dates at the park.  (it is evident to me that Mums might get more out of those playdates than the kids do)  MckMama has some of my favorites...We've implemented quite a few of her ideas for eating and now, my kiddo who lived in the NICU because he refused to eat, now joyfully eats any vegetable given to him! Now, I'm off to soak up some of her suggestions for tantrums!  :)  (398)
  • Fun "words with friends" games with friends I've never met in real life... (399)
  • No USA channel in my hotel room...His perfect gift to me to allow me to actually get my schoolwork completed...  Yes, I'm taking a few classes this fall.  Obviously, I've lost my mind (400)
  • Friendly Texans eating dinner at the table next to me.  This anti-social girl actually carried on a conversation with strangers and lived to tell about it. (401)
  • Number 4 from the Manifesto for Joyful Mothering. The phrase "Fight Feeling with Feeling" - one of my favorite quotes from Ann Voskamp.  It truly is impossible to be irritated at people who irritate you if you are busy thinking about things you love. (402)

1 comment:

  1. I love your list of the gifts He is giving you today...I must start writing mine down. What a beautiful thing to do! Thank you!
